Roll of Honour

Wigglesworth EB 22379740 8th Royal Tank Regiment UNITED KINGDOM 8 December 1951 3
Wigley C 422738 Nottinghamshire (Sherwood Rangers) Yeomanry UNITED KINGDOM 7 December 1958 3
Williams IC 22047640 1st King's Dragoon Guards FAR EAST 31 March 1955 3
Williams R 22418671 7th Queen's Own Hussars W EUROPE 26 March 1952 3
Willmott Ag 22206791 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars FAR EAST 23 March 1951 3
Wilson GCE 438548 Royal Horse Guards MIDDLE EAST 26 September 1956 3
Wilson Gv 23183806 3rd Carabiniers (Prince of Wales's Dragoon Guards) W EUROPE 2 May 1956 3
Wilson JL 22933598 The Royal Dragoon Guards W EUROPE 16 August 1955 3
Winer C 22468058 11th Hussars (Prince Albert's Own) W EUROPE 14 August 1951 3
Winn Ra 22526143 11th Hussars (Prince Albert's Own) UNITED KINGDOM 12 June 1955 3
Winterbottom J 22592235 3rd The King's Own Hussars W EUROPE 24 June 1953 3
Withers Da 23200555 The Royal Dragoon Guards W EUROPE 20 October 1956 3
Wood Ka 22963168 The Queen's Bays (2nd Dragoon Guards) MIDDLE EAST 20 June 1955 3
Worswick N 23174245 10th Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales's Own) MIDDLE EAST 17 April 1957 3
Worton Af 22384931 14th/20th King's Hussars UNITED KINGDOM 29 August 1951 3
Wright F 19034478 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards UNITED KINGDOM 3 June 1956 3
Wright WP 22207701 4th Royal Tank Regiment UNITED KINGDOM 11 December 1955 3
Wykes NE 21124360 5th Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards FAR EAST 4 September 1952 3
Yallop Lm 22605102 68th Training Regiment RAC UNITED KINGDOM 26 September 1952 3
Young A 22550504 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards W EUROPE 16 September 1955 3
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