Published: 28/01/2021
January 2021 – The Tank Museum continues its war on boredom with the latest release of online content.
Although The Tank Museum is still closed to the public due to the UK’s third national lockdown, the Museum’s continued programme of additional activity keeps the ball rolling by transporting The Tank Museum into your home via The Tank Museums Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube Channel. This month featured the Museum’s brand new Tank Chats, a very special interview with everyone’s favourite moustachioed Tank Historian David Fletcher, and much, much more!
Behind the Scenes Tour: Part One
Richard Cutland, Head of Military Relations Europe at Wargaming and ex-Royal Tank Regiment, goes Behind the Scenes to see the parts of The Tank Museum most visitors don’t see. In Part One, Richard tours the Vehicle Conservation Centre and Workshop, where the Museum stores and restores its historic collection of vehicles. If you’d like to go Behind the Scenes at The Tank Museum find out more about the tours on offer.
David Fletcher | The Man Behind the Moustache
Discover the story behind everyone’s favourite moustachioed Tank Historian David Fletcher. The Tank Museum’s Curator David Willey sits down with David to present the exclusive interview you’ve all been waiting for.
Tank Chats #116 | Churchill III
The Tank Museum’s Historian David Fletcher discusses the Second World War British Churchill Mark III. The Mark III was the first Churchill to receive the upgraded and more powerful 6 pounder gun. The Museum’s Mark III* also mentioned, is now an incredibly rare variant, and was converted from an AVRE and given the even more powerful 75mm gun.
Tank Chats #115 | A34 Comet
Join The Tank Museum’s Historian David Fletcher has he discusses the A34 Comet, widely regarded as the best tank Britain produced during the Second World War.
Tank Chats #114 | Luchs
In his latest Tank Chat, The Tank Museum’s Curator David Willey looks at the Luchs, a Second World War German reconnaissance vehicle from the Panzer II family. The Tank Museum’s example is one of only two survivors in the world.
David Willey | Top 5 Veteran Stories
The moment tank fans have been waiting for – The Tank Museum’s Curator David Willey runs you through his Top 5 Tanks, including some truly amazing veteran accounts of serving in them.