Published: 12/07/2021
New editions of Landships, War Cars & Mechanised Force Reprinted.
The Tank Museum have announced the republishing of three popular titles: Landships, War Cars and Mechanised Force by author and Museum Historian, David Fletcher.
First published over 30 years ago, Landships and War Cars are pioneering titles explaining, illustrating and describing the history of British tanks and British armoured cars in the First World War.
Simon Prager, Head of Commercial Operations, says: “Following the great success of our previous republished David Fletcher books, British Armour in World War Two and Tiger! The Tiger Tank: A British View, we are delighted to be republishing a further three classic titles by David Fletcher.
“Giving these titles a 21st century make over, Landships and War Cars are set to be merged into one comprehensive guide.”

The other title set for reprint, Mechanised Force, is a history of the British tank arm from the interwar period. It’s the most comprehensive book on the subject, describing every design, prototype and production vehicle.
The first 500 pre-orders will receive a special collector’s pack with a certificate signed by the author, David Fletcher. All pre-orders before 6th August will receive their name in the acknowledgements section.
Copies are currently £29.98 and anticipated to be shipped from September 2021.