Everything you need to know before visiting The Tank Museum!
To help you find your answer quickly, we’ve grouped recurring queries into themes.
What are your opening times?
The Tank Museum is open from 10:00am to 5:00pm.
Which days is the Museum closed?
In 2025, the Museum is closed: 8, 15, 22 and 29 January; 4 July; 7, 14, 21, 28 November; and 24-26 December. This is to allow our staff to conduct essential maintenance and training – and give some downtime over Christmas and after TANKFEST.
How much are tickets?
You can find The Tank Museum’s standard admission prices here. Some Special Events may cost more.
Remember – every full price Museum ticket comes with an Annual Pass, free of charge (this excludes Group Rate, Universal Credit, and Complimentary Tickets).
Do I have to book online?
It is cheaper to book online, however you can also purchase on the door. For Special Events (TANKFEST and Tiger Day) you will have to purchase online. For Annual Pass returns, Universal Credit tickets, military concessions and complimentary tickets, you cannot pre-book online.
Do I have to select a date when I buy tickets?
Do my tickets have an expiry date before I use them?
You have to activate your online tickets by visiting the Museum within a year. After that, your Annual Pass runs for another year where you can return as many times as you like (excluding Special Events).
Can I buy my tickets online on the day of my visit?
Yes, you can purchase your tickets on the day you plan to attend.
I’ve purchased tickets online, but don’t have a printer, what do I do?
Don’t worry – either bring the booking reference number, or show the booking confirmation/ticket email on your phone on arrival at The Tank Museum to the Front of House Team.
What’s an Annual Pass?
An Annual Pass allows you to visit The Tank Museum as many times as you want for one year (excluding Special Event days). Every full price admission ticket purchased (including Behind the Scenes, Special Event and Experience Days) automatically comes with an Annual Pass. Discounted tickets (for example Group Tickets, Universal Credit, and Complimentary tickets) do not include an Annual Pass. Your Annual Pass is non-transferable, and you will be asked for photo ID when returning using your Annual Pass.
When does the Annual Pass start?
If your Annual Pass comes from a regular Tank Museum ticket, it starts on the day which you booked your ticket for. For example, if you booked your ticket for the 14 July 2023, that will be the first day of your Annual Pass. If you booked your ticket and then cannot attend on that date, you can move it by logging into your account and going into “View Orders”. If you did not create an account when you purchased your tickets, please email visit@tankmuseum.org and we will move your ticket for you.
If your Annual Pass is from a dated event/experience, such as Behind the Scenes or TANKFEST, your Annual Pass starts from the date of that event/experience. You can use it up to 30 days prior to that date. If you want to visit more than 30 days before the event/experience, you will have to purchase a normal admission ticket.
When does my Annual Pass end?
Your Annual Pass expires a year after your first visit. For example, if you visit on the 1st of January 2024, the last day of your Annual Pass would be the 1st of January 2025.
I’ve lost my Annual Pass, can I still get in?
If you purchased your ticket online and/or applied Gift Aid to your ticket, we can find you on the system and re-print your Annual Pass. Bank statements will not be accepted in lieu of your Annual Pass.
How much is inside?
Apart from our arena displays, the whole Museum is indoors – perfect for British weather.
How long does it take to look around?
On average, visitors spend four hours at The Tank Museum. Some spend much longer!
Will anything be closed during my visit?
You can see if any of our exhibitions will be closed here.
Can I get inside a tank?
Yes! You can walk through our massive Mark IX First World War tank.
What is there for kids to do?
Alongside our indoor soft play area (open 10-4) and external play area, there is lots for children to do at The Tank Museum. Take part in Commander Basil’s trail to absorb them in teasers and puzzles around the Museum. Our newer exhibitions have been designed with younger visitors in mind and include hands-on interactives, dressing up, video games and more. During school holidays, there are a range of family activities and crafts to enjoy – check the What’s On Board on arrival.
What is the age range for the soft play?
To use our soft play your child must be between the ages of 3 and 11.
What if I’m not interested in tanks?
The Tank Museum prides itself in receiving excellent reviews from people who aren’t interested in armoured vehicles. Many of the exhibitions, especially the Tank Men and Battlefield Afghanistan exhibitions, concentrate on the experiences of those who served in the Tank Corps or were vital in the development of the tank. Find more information here.
I love tanks, how can I make the most of my visit?
You’ve come to the right place! Make sure you allow as long as possible for your visit. We recommend making sure you explore the Tank Story Hall to see the most important vehicles in our collection, and leave time to visit the Vehicle Conservation Centre (opening hours vary) to see experimental tanks that aren’t on public display. You can find more recommendations here.
Do you offer Guided Tours?
We run several free tours during the day at The Tank Museum. Times and locations are displayed on the What’s On Board in the Orientation Zone of the Museum, or on our timetable here.
Private tours need to be booked at least a week ahead of your proposed visit and are subject to availability. Check out our Groups page HERE for details.
When can we see tank displays outside in the Arena?
Tanks in Action displays take place on weekdays during school holidays in the Spring and Summer. There are also live displays during TANKFEST and Tiger Day. For more information, see our event calendar here.
Can I bring my dog to the Museum?
Dogs, except assistance dogs, are not permitted inside The Tank Museum. We wish to respectfully remind visitors that the RSPCA advise against leaving dogs and other animals in cars. There is no shade in the car park. Furthermore, there are no suitable spots for securing your pet outside of the building at present. Regrettably therefore, we do not recommend bringing your dog on your visit to the Museum.
The Museum is a noisy, busy place and is only suitable for assistance dogs as they have undergone specific training to cope with these situations. Therefore unfortunately we do not permit emotional support animals at this time.
Can we take photos?
Photography for personal use is encouraged, however it is not permitted for commercial use. If you want to use a tripod, please keep other visitors’ experiences in mind and visit on a quiet day.
Can I leave my bags somewhere?
The Tank Museum doesn’t have a cloakroom or locker area, but large bags can be left at the Admissions desk on a first come first serve basis.
Can I come dressed as a soldier?
Only serving soldiers or members of re-enactment groups specifically contracted by The Tank Museum (and participating in a specific activity) are permitted to wear military or replica military uniforms on site.
Is there a dress code at the Museum?
There isn’t a dress code, but we please ask that visitors stay fully clothed during their visit. The Museum does not permit the removal of shirts or footwear. We also do not permit adults to visit wearing fancy dress or in costume.
What provisions do you have for children with SEN?
There is a Wellbeing Room where you can take some quiet time away from other visitors. We also have sensory backpacks and communication cards which can be borrowed for free during your visit. The Trench Experience and War Horse to Horsepower exhibition do use sound effects which can trigger sensory overload. On our quiet mornings, these sounds are all switched off 0900-1100. Find out more about the quiet mornings here.
The Museum’s Special Events and rainy days during the school holidays are both very busy. If you would like to visit at a quieter time, we would recommend either a week day in term-time or on a sunny day in the holidays. Please call 01929 405096 for recommendations or more information.
You can view our Family Map here to locate the Wellbeing Room and more. To see where the mannequins are throughout the Museum, find out here.
Please see our accessibility page here.
What is there for kids to do?
Alongside our indoor soft play area (open 10-4) and external play area, there is lots for children to do at The Tank Museum. Take part in Commander Basil’s trail to absorb them in teasers and puzzles around the Museum. Our newer exhibitions have been designed with younger visitors in mind and include hands-on interactives, dressing up, video games and more. During school holidays, there are a range of family activities and crafts to enjoy – check the What’s On Board on arrival.
See where the interactives, dressing up and games are in our Family Map here.
What is the age range for the soft play?
To use our soft play your child must be between the ages of 3 and 11.
What are the facilities for babies?
We have several changing areas around The Tank Museum and facilities for warming milk and food in the restaurant.
Where can I breastfeed?
As a family attraction we welcome breastfeeding parents in any part of the building. We have the Restaurant and Café that have ample seating, plus there are seats scattered throughout the galleries. If you would like a private space, there is a sofa in the Wellbeing Room located behind the shop.
When are the upcoming Special Event days?
See our Special Events on the events calendar here.
What happens during School Holidays?
We always run special activities for children during the February, Easter, May, Summer and October Half Terms, including crafts and extra tours for families. During Easter and May, we have a Tanks in Action displays on weekdays at 1pm, during Summer the Tanks in Action Display runs Monday-Thursday at 1pm, and vehicle rides every day. See school holiday details on our events calendar here.
Can I get to The Tank Museum using public transport?
The Tank Museum is in walking distance of Wool train station, which is on the mainline between London Waterloo and Weymouth.
There are bus services available from Wool as well as local taxi companies. Please note, the bus service is seasonal and not year-round. See full details here.
Can I leave my bags somewhere?
The Tank Museum doesn’t have a cloakroom or locker area, but large bags can be left at the Admissions desk.
Do you have parking at the Museum?
Yes, The Tank Museum has a large free car park, and overflow car parking when required. There is a large disabled parking area at the closest point to the Museum and motorbike and bicycle parking is available.
Can I park my motor home/caravan in the car park?
Yes, unless it is at one of our Special Events. However, we don’t allow motor homes or caravans to stay overnight in The Tank Museum car park.
Do you have a café or picnic area?
Yes, The Tank Museum has a café and restaurant which provides hot drinks, snacks, sandwiches, and hot meals. You are welcome to bring your own food and we have both inside and outside picnic areas.
What are the facilities for babies?
We have several changing areas around The Tank Museum and facilities for warming milk and food in the restaurant.
Is there WiFi?
There is free WiFi throughout The Tank Museum.
What about toilets?
There are toilets on every floor, including disabled toilets.
Can I leave my bags somewhere?
The Tank Museum doesn’t have a cloakroom or locker area, but large bags can be left at the Admissions desk on a first come, first serve basis.
Is The Tank Museum accessible in a wheelchair or mobility scooter?
Yes! We are fully accessible, with lifts or ramps to every part of the Museum. Find out more.
Are their accessible toilets?
Yes, there are accessible toilets throughout the Museum. Unfortunately there are not Changing Places toilets at this time.
Is there accessible parking?
There are many accessible parking spaces at the closest point to the Museum entrance. During Special Events, there are accessible parking areas at the closest point to the Admissions Gate.
Do you offer a concessionary rate for disabled visitors and carers?
If you require a carer to facilitate your visit, one carer will be admitted free of charge. If booking online, the carer’s ticket does not need to be purchased in advance.
You may be asked to present evidence of disability or impairment to a member of staff on arrival (e.g. Blue Badge, Carer Association Card, DLA, PIP, GP letter or similar). Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions regarding acceptability on 01929 405096.
Do you have wheelchairs available?
The Tank Museum has a limited number of wheelchairs available at Front of House which are given on a first come, first served basis. These cannot be reserved in advance.
On Special Event Days, there is a much higher demand so we would not recommend relying on us having one available. There are several local companies in the area that offer rental of a wheelchair for a day rate. We recommend Purbeck Mobility.
What provisions are there for those who are D/deaf or hard of hearing?
There are type T hearing induction loops on our newer interactives and subtitles on video content throughout the exhibitions.
What provisions are there for those who are blind or partially sighted?
We welcome trained assistance dogs to the Museum. Our tanks are not fenced off, and you are welcome to touch and feel our exhibits. Font is size 14 minimum on all exhibition text and colours have been chosen to ensure text is as visible as possible. We have braille guides for our exhibitions which can be borrowed at the Information Point.
What about Special Events?
During Tiger Day and TANKFEST there is an accessible viewing area which is sitting only. Visitors using the area can have a carer or other guest with them. There are a limited number of chairs available for carers and those who are not using wheelchairs, but we do recommend taking a camping chair if you can. There are additional accessible portaloos around the site as well.
How loud is the Museum?
The Trench Experience and War Horse to Horsepower exhibition do use sound effects which can trigger sensory overload. On our quiet mornings, these sounds are all switched off 0900-1100. Find out more about the quiet mornings here.
Our free-to-use sensory backpacks include ear defenders, and we would recommend the use of ear defenders during Special Events and Tanks in Action for visitors who struggle with loud noises. There is also a free to use Wellbeing Room which is a quiet space for our visitors to use if they need some time out.
Is there a Military Discount?
Currently serving military personnel from any country can visit for free using a MOD90 or equivalent, outside of Special Event days (TANKFEST and Tiger Day).
What about veterans?
Royal Armoured Corps veterans can visit the Museum for free (on production of a Regimental Association Membership Card, Red Book, Certificate of Service, or any document stating proof of military service), outside of Special Event days (TANKFEST and Tiger Day).
Veterans of any other HM Force that is not RAC/RTR receive a discounted rate of £15.00 (not available to purchase online) on proof of service – examples of listed above, outside of Special Event days (TANKFEST and Tiger Day).
We do not accept Defence Discount Cards.
Do the military get free tours?
Yes! If you’re serving military we can offer you a guided tour for free, subject to staff availability. If there are civilians visiting with you, they will have to pay.
Do you donate tickets to charitable organisations?
Each year, we give over £10,000 worth of tickets to other registered charities based in Dorset. Due to the volume of requests we receive, we are not able to respond to any requests except those which have been successful.
I’ve won a complimentary ticket, when can I use it?
You can use your complimentary ticket any time, aside from Special Events. Once the ticket has expired, we cannot extend the date or re-issue the ticket.
How do I donate an item?
Many items in The Tank Museum’s collection have been generously donated by members of the public.
If you would like to discuss donating material to the Tank Museum please contact the Collections Team at Archive@tankmuseum.org and provide as much information as you can (including images if possible) about the item(s) themselves, their history and how you acquired them. After assessing the item(s) in question, our Collections Team will contact you in due course.
We respectfully ask that you do not post items to the Museum or bring items to the Museum before discussing your kind offer with a member of the Collections Team.
The Tank Museum is fortunate in receiving a large number of donation offers each year. Whilst all such offers are gratefully received, unfortunately we are unable to accept every item and loans are only considered in exceptional circumstances.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that any item donated will be displayed, but all items in our collections are available to the public for viewing, research and educational purposes by appointment.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Call 01929 405096 or fill in the contact form below.