April on The Tank Museum's YouTube Channel

Published: 30/04/2021

April 2021 – The Tank Museum continues its war on boredom with the latest release of online content. 

The Tank Museum’s programme of online content continues to be transported into your home via The Tank Museums Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube Channel.

Al Murray returned to The Tank Museum to do his Bottom 5 Tanks. This month also featured four Tank Chats, three by David Fletcher on the FV4005, Oxford and Cambridge Carriers, and the Sherman 105, and one by David Willey on the Cascavel.

Al Murray | Bottom 5 Tanks

One for all you Panther fans! Comedian and history buff Al Murray puts a new spin on the concept, with his Bottom 5 Tanks.

Tanks Chat #124 | FV4005 Tank Destroyer

We are often asked what the mysterious gate guard at The Tank Museum’s exit is. Find out from David Fletcher MBE, who explores the experimental FV4005, with original turret and 183mm gun fitted on a Centurion Mark 12 hull.

Tank Chats #123 | Oxford and Cambridge Carriers

Tank Museum Historian David Fletcher presents a Tank Chat on the Carrier, Tracked, CT20, otherwise known as the Oxford Carrier. This unusual vehicle was an early post-Second World War British Armoured Personnel Carrier and Gun Tractor, which saw service in the Korean War. David also touches upon the Cambridge Carrier, built by Rolls-Royce as an updated and improved version of the Oxford, which never got out of the prototype stage.

Tank Chats #122 | Sherman 105

The Tank Museum’s Historian David Fletcher presents a Tank Chat on the only M4 variant of Sherman in The Tank Museum’s collection. This particular example is armed with the 105mm millimetre howitzer, designed for firing High Explosive in a close support role. Join David to find out more.

Tanks Chats #121 | The Cascavel

The Tank Museum’s Curator David Willey presents a Tank Chat on the EE-9 Cascavel, a Brazilian Armoured Car developed during the 1970s, primarily for reconnaissance. David also touches upon the EE-11 Urutu, which shares many of the Cascavel’s components.

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